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Enseñanzas propias de posgrado/ Ciencias/ 3595

Máster de Formación Permanente en Gestión y Conservación de Especies en Comercio. El Marco Internacional (XV edición) / Master's Degree in Management and Conservation of Species in Trade. The International Framework (XV edition)


Dra. Margarita África CLEMENTE MUÑOZ (University of Cordoba, Spain).
Dra. Mercedes NÚÑEZ ROMÁN (Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, Spain).
Dra. Rocío HERNÁNDEZ CLEMENTE (University of Cordoba, Spain)

15th edition
  • finalizado
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Plan de Estudios / Calendario

Matrícula y Becas

  • Desde: 01 Febrero 2024
  • Hasta: 30 Septiembre 2024
  • Híbrida (Semipresencial)
  • Investigadora y profesional
  • English/Francais/Español
  • 30
  • Sede Antonio Machado de Baeza

Objectives of Our Master's Programme in Conservation and Restoration


The International University of Andalusia (UNIA) has now held fourteen editions of this Master’s programme. It has provided specialized, quality training to 390 students from 106 Parties.


The general objective of the programme is to provide high quality, specialized training on the scientific bases, techniques, and instruments that enable CITES implementation and development, in order to strengthen the fight against illegal trade, particularly in those countries of origin where animals and plants are subject to international trade.
The specific objectives are, among others, to provide specialized training on:
Biodiversity and Trade of species.
Scientific bases and methodologies for identifying and solving problems that hinder proper implementation of CITES.
Administrative, legislative and enforcement aspects of CITES implementation.
Biological and trade-related criteria for listing species in CITES.
Application of geographic information systems and spatial data to the study of the current and potential distribution of species and assessment of habitat suitability.
Wildlife recovery plans and sustainable management programmes.
Analyses for making non-detriment findings for CITES-listed species.
Analyses and procedures for the CITES Significant Trade Review.
Techniques for identification and control of CITES-listed species and specimens.


With the support of the CITES Secretariat and
West Africa Biodiversity and Low Emissions Development (WABILED). USAID Program


    The Master’s Degree consists of 60 ECTS* (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) credits. The programme is structured as follows:
    On-campus period from 15th April to 30th June 2024 (presence required) related to the contents of eleven subjects (clustered into 3 sections). It will be given in English, French and Spanish with simultaneous interpretation thanks to the external funding from WABILED programme.
    Research period (presence not required), in which students will perform research tasks in preparation for the final Master’s Thesis.

    On-campus credits: 44 ECTS credits will be taught at the Antonio Machado Site of the International University of Andalusia for 11 weeks from Monday to Friday, in morning and afternoon sessions. Monitoring and assessment will consist of weekly individual and/or group tests on the covered contents.

    Virtual period: from 1st February to 30th September 2024. The UNIA Virtual Platform will provide further learning experience and various practical activities on the course content.
    Research period: 16 ECTS credits will be given for supervised research activities leading to the presentation of a Master´s Thesis.

    To obtain the Master’s Degree issued by the International University of Andalusia, participants must first pass the on-campus period, subsequently prepare, and submit a Master’s Thesis. The thesis must be completed and approved within the deadlines set by the University (1st October 2024-first call or 1st April 2025 final call). Students who fail to meet this requirement must register and pay again for the 16 research credits in the next edition of the Master’s programme.


    Subject 1: “Biodiversity and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild fauna and flora (CITES): Introduction”
    15-21 April 2024

    Subject 2: “CITES: General aspects”
    22-28 April 2024

    Subject 3: “Implementation of CITES: Part I Administrative aspects”
    29 April-5 May 2024

    Subject 4: “Implementation of CITES: Part II Administrative aspects”
    6-12 May 2024

    Subject 5: “Animal Species regulated by CITES”
    13-19 May 2024

    Subject 6: “Management of fauna”
    20-26 May 2024

    Subject 7: “Plant species regulated by CITES”
    27 May -2 June 2024

    Subject 8: “Applications of Geographic Information Systems for species management”
    3–9 June 2024

    Subject 9: “Implementation of CITES: Scientific aspects – Non-detriment findings for fauna”
    10-16 June 2024

    Subject 10: “Implementation of CITES: Scientific aspects – Non-detriment findings for flora”
    17-23 June 2024

    Subject 11: “Techniques for identification and control of species in international trade”
    24-30 June 2024

Criterios de admisión

This Master’s programme is appropriate for people who are involved or wish to become involved in environment-related policy making, in the

implementation of CITES and the development of the scientific and technical work required for its implementation at the executive level. Number of students to be admitted: 30.
To be eligible for the Master’s programme, candidates must hold a bachelor’s degree (or an equivalent degree accredited by a university) in one of the following areas: engineering (agricultural, forestry, environmental); veterinary science; biological science; zoology; botany; environmental science; chemistry; geography and history; humanities; education sciences; law; policy and international relations. The academic record, the professional and scientific curriculum, and its relationship with the application of CITES are valued.


1. Pre-registration phase: from 4th May to 30th October 2023
Applicants must submit to Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo. the following documentation:

1. Application form (standard form) 
2. Curriculum vitae (Europass CV)
3. Photocopy of ID card or passport.
4. Passport-size photograph.
5. Certified photocopy accrediting university degree.
6. Certified photocopy with the academic transcript


Evaluation period of applications and communication to students: 1st -14th November 2023

Enrolment period: from 15th November 2023 to 16th December 2023


Enrolment fee: 2 630 €.
Registration: 60 €.
Issuance of student card: 4.50 €.
Diploma issuance fee: 150 € (to be paid upon completion of the Master’s Course).
Academic transcript: 8 € (if requested by student).


Bank transfer or payment to the following account:

Office: Isla de La Cartuja (Seville) Account Holder: UNIVERSIDAD INTERNACIONAL DE ANDALUCÍA
Tax Identification Number - Q7350007F
Account number: ES78 2100 9166 75
IBAN: ES78 2100 9166 75 2200074348



A single room for the duration of the on-campus period is 2250 € per person.



Information to apply for a UNIA scholarship will be available shortly on the Web


Universidad Internacional de Andalucía. Sede Antonio Machado de Baeza, Palacio de Jabalquinto.
Plaza de Santa Cruz s/n 23440 Baeza (Jaén), Spain.
Tel.: -+34 953 74 27 75.
Contact: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.

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Matrícula y becas

Situación actual:

  • finalizado

Conoce nuestro propio programa de becas y consulta en las bases de la convocatoria los casos donde la beca contempla exención de precios o una ayuda económica.

Calendario de matrícula

 - Alumnado de nuevo ingreso: comprobar fecha de matrícula en el apartado web del programa de su elección.

- Alumnado en segunda matrícula y siguientes:  podrá formalizar su automatrícula para el curso 2023-24 durante el mes de octubre para los programas que comiencen en el primer trimestre del curso académico y durante el mes de enero para los programas que comiencen en el segundo trimestre del curso.

Enlace a oferta de Enseñanzas Propias de Postgrado

Información e incidencias en la automatrícula

Para cualquier incidencia técnica durante su automatrícula, puede contactar a través de, seleccionando el grupo de ayuda de GESTIÓN ACADÉMICA y clasificando la incidencia en el tema de ayuda: PORTAL DE SERVICIOS DEL ESTUDIANTE, indicando nombre, apellidos y máster en que se está automatriculando

Enlace al Manual de ayuda a la automatrícula

Régimen de convocatorias, permanencia y continuación de enseñanzas propias de posgrado

El Reglamento de Régimen Académico de la Universidad Internacional de Andalucía (aprobado en Consejo de Gobierno de 19 de diciembre de 2018) establece en su artículo 25:

1.Salvo que el programa académico contemple otra posibilidad, el alumnado de titulaciones de enseñanzas propias de postgrado y de formación continua tendrá derecho a concurrir en cada módulo, materia o asignatura a dos convocatorias oficiales por curso académico. 

  1. Los estudiantes que no hicieren uso o no superasen la evaluación de parte de la docencia o, en su caso, del trabajo final del correspondiente programa académico, no obtendrán el título. Sólo en el supuesto de que se impartan ediciones posteriores de la misma titulación, podrán volver a matricularse de los créditos relativos a los módulos, materias o asignaturas que no se hubieran superado.
Prácticas en empresa

Con el doble objetivo de favorecer la formación práctica de los programas académicos y fomentar la inserción profesional del alumnado, la Universidad Internacional de Andalucía (UNIA) desarrolla una política de prácticas en empresas, entidades e instituciones, incluyendo la universidad. En este marco, se promueven convenios con distintas organizaciones, tanto del ámbito empresarial como institucional.

Para mayor información sobre normativas, condiciones, procedimiento y acceso a la plataforma de gestión ICARO puede acceder a la web de Prácticas en Empresa.

Preguntas frecuentes: Faq

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